Architecture History and Theory (ARC60804)
Tutor: Mr Nik Syazwan & Ms Delliya Mohd Zain
A chronological survey of the developments of Ancient architecture to Western architecture from the
beginning of time to the period of Enlightenment, with consideration of the intellectual, aesthetic,
technological, political and economic factors which have influenced the design of buildings. These
issues are explored with reference to major contemporary examples and the work and philosophy of
significant exponents.
It was a pity that all the classes was conducted online, but with the help of both my tutor Tutor: Mr Nik Syazwan & Ms Delliya Mohd Zain I was still able to understand the importance of architecture history throughout the different eras. Though I would prefer the lessons to be conducted face to face such as visiting the historical site to do analysis of the building but still manage to get through it with the information online. The online prerecorded lectures and zoom teaching are easy and engaging to the topics taught. All things considered I enjoyed the task and project given to me and find it useful for my progression in the architecture course